NOLS 5-Day Hybrid Wilderness First Responder
April 2-6, 2025 —5-Day HybridWilderness First Responder
Jefferson County Fairgrounds
15200 W 6th Ave, Golden, CO 80401
See Registration thorough the following Link
NOLS HybridWilderness First Responder
April 2-6, 2025 —5-Day Hybrid Wilderness First Responder
Jefferson County Fairgrounds
15200 W 6th Ave, Golden, CO 80401
Registration through NOLS Website at
- Open to all outdoor enthusiasts and professionals
- Course includes 30 hours of pre-course reading, scenarios, and quizzes/tests (must be completed prior to field days)
- Course will include many indoor and outdoor group scenarios.
- Candidates should plan on long days 8am-6pm, homework in the evenings, and challenging physical & natural environments.
The Hybrid WFR combines 3 modules of online learning with 5 days of in-person training. You’ll begin by completing work in an online platform that includes readings, videos and quizzes. Each module requires 10 to 15 hours to complete, and you’ll need to finish them before the in-person portion begins. The 5-day in-person course will focus on skills and scenarios.
Upon completion, you will be able to conduct a thorough physical exam, obtain a patient history, assess vital signs, provide emergency care in the wilderness, and make crucial evacuation decisions.
You’ll learn both in the classroom and in outdoor settings regardless of weather, so come prepared for wet, muddy, cold, or hot environments!